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Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry Industry
Juhayna works to have a strong impact on the economic environment, working to strengthen the economy is key to a successful and a sustainable business. Below are some of our projects that come under ‘Purpose’.
Farm Development

Farm Development

The healthiest and highest-quality dairy products while simultaneously boosting milk production

Juhayna launched a pioneering initiative aimed at small- and medium-sized dairy farms in Egypt. The project installs shelters and efficient cooling systems for dairy cows while also facilitating loan payments for these systems through the deduction of their value from the cost of the weekly milk purchases it makes from the farms.

The project has markedly increased milk production, especially in summer when supply typically drops by up to 30%. In the first phase, 25 farms with a total of 6,562 cows participated in the project, producing an average daily supply of 122 tons of milk for Juhayna. As the first-of-its-kind project in Egypt, it’s expected to help increase productivity by at least 2 liters per cow during summers, equivalent to a 10-ton daily increase in supply.

Sehetak Fel Elba Dih

Juhayna Launched in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, the Chamber of Food Industries, the Faculty of Agriculture at Alexandria University, and Tetra Pak, “Sehetak fel elba deh” initiative

Aimed to inform customers about the safety of packaged dairy products while promoting healthy living and improving public health standards. The campaign was successful in shifting customer perceptions of loose milk and encouraged a switch to safer packaged products, with bottled milk consumption rising to 45% in 2017 from 18% in 2010 in the market.

Sehetak Fel Elba Dih
Innovation Center

Innovation Center

At the heart of our R&D initiatives is the establishment of our world-class innovation center

A state-of-the-art facility that is the first of its kind in the MENA region and Africa that acts as a hub for Product & Packaging Development. The innovation center has enabled us to localize our research methods by conducting in-house industrial, lab trials and focus groups that can be collaborated with research we collect.

The innovation center serves as a secure data storage warehouse equipped with a consumer insight room, and a “Juhayna Technical Academy” training school, with 30 million EGP investment throughout 2016/2017.

The realization of our Innovation Strategic Framework has come to reality with the launch of Juhayna Innovation Center, a state-of-the-art facility, the first of its kind in the MENA region, this center.

Our Brands

With focus on nutrition, consumers are in search for more than just taste and price into their buying decisions and choices.

Often overlooked, new dietary habits are now also perceived as a preventative care model under the increased direction of health care costs. Societies are tending towards a Model of Preventive Health Self-management. With the association of dietary habit to nutrition, is one area where most current vectors in the F&B industry intersect, particularly in the New Dairy Era. A renewed focus on global nutrition presents scalable opportunities for the dairy industry.

Juhayna is proud to have introduced an affordable portfolio of nutrient-rich products where Product Innovation leads the way during our Manufacturing/ Processing Phase. Juhayna is always keen to have a product for each target consumer, we were the first to launch UHT packed milk, flavored milk (Mix); probiotic fermented milk (Rayeb), 100% Fruit Juices (Pure); lactose free milk and many more. Those particular innovations were tailored part of our commitment address the particularity of our consumers’ needs and to provide those market segments that are not covered by any other local brand/producer.

Our Brands

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