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Dairy Farms

Initially our vertical integration program involved the maintenance of Juhayna’s affiliated dairy farms to secure our raw materials. However, in 2008 we took a step to establish our first fully owned dairy farm; Al Enmaa for Agriculture Development & Livestock; it is the latest development in our ongoing push for full vertical integration.

With 5000 feddans of land our farm can accommodate a herd size of 7,000 milking cows; enough to supply 10% of our daily needs. Going forward, we are looking to grow our dairy facility even further as the farm will help us ensure supply and quality and allow us to tackle the expanding gap between the supply and demand of milk in Egypt.

Al Enmaa’s key subsidiaries:
Al-Enmaa Livestock Company: Specializes in building dairy farms and owns 550 feddans in the Bahareya Oasis (Al-Aseela).
Al-Enmaa Company for Agriculture Cultivation: Specializes in planting and cultivating fruits and various crops. It covers 7,450 feddans of land in the Bahareya Oasis.

220 Employees

220 Employees

Top employees & experts working to serve our clients in the Agriculture Division

7000 Cows

7000 Cows

Best-in-breed cattle are raised at Juhayna Dairy farm

110 Dairy Farms

110 Dairy Farms

Juhayna works with 110 hand-picked farms to guarantee our supply of top-quality raw materials

1 MW Solar Station

1 MW Solar Station

Inaugurated in Al Enmaa Farm

5000 Feddans

5000 Feddans

Applying the most technologically advanced and environmentally friendly farming methods

Integration between Agriculture and Livestock

Integration between Agriculture and Livestock

To preserve the environmental resources, Juhayna planted the land with green feed that integrates livestock and agricultural production, where high-quality green feed and corn are planted, grown, and converted into silage as a food source for animals. On the other hand, agricultural farming also benefits from natural fertilization, the barns are being washed, the water is transferred to a large lake where the deposition of solid materials (fertilizer) are to be relocated to agriculture. Accordingly, it reduces both; the use of industrial fertilizer and the cost of agriculture along with providing a greater chance for environment conservation, enabling us to stay sustainable.


To maximize the cows’ dairy productivity, Juhayna has applied an innovative cooling system (sprinklers) to face the regional climate, high temperatures, and low humidity levels through the placement of water fans that are big in size and energy. The sprinkles are equipped with pumps to spray water on the cows in order to keep them cool. This innovative cooling system ensures high productivity and plays a great role in stabilizing production rates in summer and winter.

A Highly Efficient Rotating Cow Parlor

A Highly Efficient Rotating Cow Parlor

To monitor cow’s health, Juhayna was very keen to select the best breeds of livestock, whereas the company imported the Friesian Holstein breed to ensure the best quality. In addition to the Simmental breed possessinga dual-purpose for dairy production and meat production, it also has a great ability to endure tough environmental conditions.

An Advanced Laboratory

Juhayna’s farm has been supported by an advanced laboratory to analyze the food provided to the cows and the milk produced to determine its quality, the number of bacteria in each millimeter, as well as the examination of diseases that might affect cows. This enables us to be fully aware of the possible treatments and the appropriate immunizations that could be used for the cows.

An Advanced Laboratory
An Exceptional Solar Energy Station

An Exceptional Solar Energy Station

The opening of the solar energy station is considered as one of the milestones of the company, as it is the first station to sell electricity to the private sector through a close cooperation between Juhayna and KarmSolar for solar energy with a capacity of 1 MW. The station is the first of its kind in Egypt, fully operated by solar energy for the preservation of the environment and for the desire to come up with an integrated Egyptian project that not only focuses on the company’s needs but also for the overall sustainability of the country. We have managed to save and reduce emissions of about 1.62 tons of CO2 per year and decreased our dependency on diesel by about 600,000 liters annually

Agricultural Farms

Agricultural Farms

The solid reputation that we have built as a trusted manufacturer of top-quality juices is predicated on our ability to consistently source the finest raw materials.

Much of the produce used to manufacture our world-class juices is grown on Juhayna’s own farm; a testament to our consistent evolution that is geared towards the provision of high-quality products.

Our fully-owned subsidiary, Al-Enmaa for Agriculture & Livestock Development, functions as our agricultural production arm. Founded in 2008, it owns over 5,000 feddans of land, and applies the most technologically advanced and environmentally friendly farming methods, including the use of drip irrigation systems to grow and cultivate potatoes, corn, wheat, Hegazy Clover, and oranges; with plans to expand to mango production and pomegranate for export in the future.

Having full control over the farming operation allows us to closely observe the development of the raw materials that are used in our production process.

Geographical distribution of cultivated land:

 2,668 Feddans

 New Valley Governorate (Al Farafra)

 3,800 Feddans

 Bahareya Oasis (Al-Aseela)

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